Like us, when pets experience pain quality of life can be negatively impacted. Sometimes behavioral and emotional changes may also arise as a result of chronic pain.
Our Multi-modal Approach

Thankfully, there are many options for managing and diminishing the effects of discomfort and increasing energy, mobility, and well-being. These options range from medications and supplements to an exciting array of new therapeutic modalities.
Understanding Pain in Pets
Because our pets cannot directly communicate that they are hurting, the signs can be subtle or seem incongruent with what might be an assumed expression of discomfort. For example, behavioral changes or hiding are often indicators of pain.
To be alert for pain in a pet, take notice of these signs:
- Vocalization
- Restlessness
- Inability to get comfortable
- Decreased or increased sleep
- Hiding
- Favoring a side or part of the body
- Persistent licking, biting, or grooming
- Doesn’t want to be held
- Sudden clinginess
- Aggression or other behavioral changes
- Changes to appetite or water consumption
There is no need for a pet to suffer through pain. We can help. Please call us to schedule an appointment.